Adelphian Seal Adelphian Academy Alumni Scrapbook
1905 - 1987 "Where Education is Life"       

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Class of 1960

President: Stuart Harrison Pastor: Norman Wilson
Vice President: Arlene Oetman Chronicler: Chorister: Nancy Rotherick
Secretary: Hilda Schafer Sgt-At-Arms: Richard Nimbach
Treasurer: Michael Nelson Sgt-At-Arms: James Woody
Class Colors: Blue & White
Class Flower: White Rose
Class Motto: The higher we climb the broader the view
Class Aim: Christ Points the Way
Class Text: Proverbs 3:6 - In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Class Hymn:
Sponsor: Herluf Jensen Sponsor: R. W. Pratt
Sponsor: Larry Williams Dedication:
Alexander, Kurt
Bergstrom, Nancy
Bruckner, Jared
Dean, Jeanne
Dean, Jeanne
Dean-Hoffmeyer, Peggy
Decamp, Betty
Ebeling, Arlene
Fattic, Richard
Feldbush, Martin
Fowler, Merton
Grignon, Richard
Harrison, Stuart
Judnick, Robert
Mc Farland, Roger
Partlo, Carol
Ross, Larry
Rotherick, Nancy
Wilson, Norman
Wolf, Herb
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